Newsletter Article
May 8, 2016
Dcn. Francis Sotalbo
In today’s Gospel Jesus makes three supplications to the Father. In the first He asks that not only His disciples, but also those to whom they have witnessed, may have common grounds. Actually this appeal extends all the way to our generation, because He said “for those who believe in Me through their word.“ Their word was written and published for we today to read and made known the greatness of our God: it’s called the Bible. Having common belief leads to unity and peace among men. Today I also appeal to my all brethren to have united minds in order for us to be witnesses of our God, for the sake of the world’s salvation through Christ. It will be easy for the world to notice and believe in us if we have unity and speak with the same mind.
Secondly, Jesus desires that all those who believe in Him may be in His presence to validate what He promised and see His splendor. It is our honor and pleasure to join in the Family of God, where in Heaven there are pleasures forevermore. Jesus knows what it is like to be in Heaven, and that makes Him in His eagerness to appeal to God the Father not to exclude all those who have believed in them and made them known.
The third supplication of Jesus is that God “will make it known, so that the love with which You have loved Me may be in them.” When somebody introduces someone to you, you do not cast your affection or love to that particular person right away. You made an effort to get to know him or her better. Maybe you will have a couple of conversations first, and develop some kind of relationship. You will share your thoughts with them first, that they may know more about you. It is the same way in knowing God and His faithfulness more; to know the sacrifices of Jesus and His love for us, we must know the life of Christ; and we find this in the Word of God, the Bible. Reading the Bible makes you fall in love with Christ and sharing what you have known and loved make us one.
I appeal to all of my brethren: we must make an effort to read the Bible and make God’s name known. Peace be with you.