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Scriptures and Themes for the Season of Christmas


 Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Eve of the Feast of the Nativity

(Christmas Eve Service)


First Reading: Isaiah 9: 2- 4; 6-7

Psalm Reading: Psalm 96:  1-4; 11–13a

Epistle Reading: Titus 2: 11 - 14

Gospel Reading: Luke 2: 1 - 14


Theme: “Proclaiming Good News”


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Christmas Day)

First Reading: Isaiah 52: 7 - 10

Psalm Reading: Psalm 98

Epistle Reading:  Galatians 3: 29 – 4: 5

Gospel Reading:  John 1: 1 - 14


Theme: “Proclaiming Incarnation”


Sunday, December 29, 2019

The First Sunday after Christmas Day

First Reading: Isaiah 63: 7 - 9

Psalm Reading: Psalm 148

Epistle Reading:  Hebrews 2: 14-17

Gospel Reading: Matthew 2: 13 – 15; 19-23


Theme: “Proclaiming Divine Direction”


 Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Feast of the Holy Name

First Reading:  Numbers 6: 22 - 27

Psalm Reading: Psalm 8

 Epistle Reading:  Philippians 2: 5 - 11 

Gospel Reading: Luke 2: 15 - 21


Theme: “Proclaiming His Name”


Sunday, January 5, 2019

The Second Sunday after Christmas Day

First Reading: Jeremiah 31: 7-14

Psalm Reading:   Psalm 147: 12 - 20

  Epistle Reading:  Ephesians 1: 3-14

Gospel Reading: John 1: 10 - 18


Theme: “Proclaiming God’s Glory”

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