Ladies Ministry
Cathedral of the King

To mentor and reach out to women to do service unto God through actions and examples that nurture relationships in the family, in the community, and in the Church.
To perform the work of service yielded towards being the support as God’s purpose in women’s lives.
To encourage, care, and love one another in God’s love, enhancing relationships in the Body.
Humility (being a servant of God and to others) “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. (1Peter 5:5)
Do provide avenues and means to exercise God-given abilities through practical application, being a “joint that supplies”.)
Dependability and Commitment (Purposing in our hearts to do the will of God whatever the cost) “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much (Luke 16:10)
To help women in discovering, embracing and developing their feminine identity and value in their various roles of Godly womanhood.
Discipleship (Share the love of Christ through discipleship, mentoring, and role modelling) “So that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husband, so that the word of God will not be dishonoured.”
To encourage active involvement and participation in the Body in the different opportunities and activities provided for by the Ministry and the Church.
Creativity (Approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective.) “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)
the core group

Head: Mia Santos
Oversees the ministry work of the various groups and their respective functions, directing them towards the fulfillment of the vision of the Church.
Sits at the Parish Council to communicate the involvement of the Ministry in all the Church work and vice versa.
Members: (3)
Nimfa Jorvina, Alice Mandodoc, Emee Abalajen
To announce and disseminate information to the workers/ladies and Church members relating to the Ministry’s activities;
To chronicle and post the events during the Ladies’ Fellowship and other Ladies’ Ministry activities that can be used in the Cathedral website and Facebook Vessels of Honor (I.e. Pot-love to Elderly);
To create informative materials and paraphernalia for members of the FB’s Vessels of Honor and COTK Friends. (I.e. Quotes from Cathedral Homilies; blogposts, etc.)
To post the Ministry’s monthly birthday celebrants in Vessels of Honor in lieu of birthday tokens.

Fellowship/Membership Section
Head: J-anne Consunji
Members: (7)
Tes Diaz, Connie Santos, Neri Anora, Ruth Rodriguez, Bambi Lu, Margot De Borja, Jocelyn Mallari
To plan and organize the program and activities for Ladies’ Fellowship and Ladies Workers;
To coordinate with the Ministry’s Logistic Section for the requirements for the Fellowship activities;
To handle the registration and attendance of the ladies/Ministry workers for the activities;
To coordinate with the Church regarding the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Tokens.

Logistics Section
Head: Baby Consunji
Members: (6)
Annie Dimalibot, Evelyn Go, Rechie Pepino, Julie Reimers, Carol Sotalbo
To handle all the logistical requirements for the Ladies’ Fellowship and other Ladies’ Ministry activities (Refer to Checklist for A Ladies Activity and A Ladies Event);
To support, as necessary, the set-up for decorations or logistics for any Cathedral event.

Special Project Section
Head: Angie Jorvina
Members: (6)
Bing Matela, Zeny Granada, Nelia Ison, Daisy Robles, Isah Torres
To lead activities for special ministries to the Cathedral ladies and other outreaches according to the overall LM plans;
To support the Elderly Ministry by involving ladies through ‘pot-love’ donation in the latter’s Ministry every Sunday.

Teaching Section
Head: Ting Librojo
Members: (1) May Elsearo
To handle the training of the young girls through the Godly Womanhood Program;
To coordinate any program for the development of the skills of the ladies needed in the Church (i.e. Communion Bread Baking).

Head: Lani Miguel
Members: (1) Sylvia Noble
To act as the Treasurer of the Ministry
To draft the yearly budget of the Ministry for the Church’s leadership evaluation and approval
To record the all Ministry’s collection and disbursements (I.e. Charity Box; Tess Morata Contributions)
To update and present a report of the financial status of the Ministry to the Core Committee
To handle the Charity Box every Ladies’ activity.

March 02, 2018
Genesis 2:22, in the Living Bible,“As long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.”

E in E3 - Eucharisteo in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3
September 01, 2017

Session 5: EUCHARISTEO - Empty To Fill
March 03, 2017
God doesn’t give gifts for gain. Gifts never stop being a gift. It is always meant to be given.
When we are grateful for His gifts, we give the gifts away because the gifts never stop being a gift. We can be the gift. We are blessed. We can bless and this is happiness.

Session 4: EUCHARISTEO - Trust: The Bridge to Joy
January 06, 2017
Characteristics of trust:
Its primary task is to believe in the One whom God has sent us.
It is hard work
Has no starting time, not ending date
Antithesis of stress; of anxiety (Read Psalm 44; Romans 15:13)
It is to put one’s faith in

Session 3: EUCHARISTEO - All Is Grace–The Beautiful in All
November 04, 2016
The Ugly and the Beautiful – what we see ugly is beautiful to Christ. The ugly beautiful – its French word is d'un beau affreux. Everything has the exquisite fingerprints of God in it. Everything, even the ugly, has Christ’s beauty in it. With Jesus's eyes, we have the astonishing opportunity to daily love the unlovely into loveliness for everything even the dark things in our lives has the traces of God in it.

September 02, 2016
God is at the present: the I AM. Time is only of the essence; time is the essence of God; the I AM.
The real problem of life is not a lack of time; the real problem of life is a lack of thanksgiving.
Writing gifts is a time to celebrate; writing a thousand gifts will positively, profoundly, and powerfully change your life.

July 02, 2016
GRACE - GRATIA in Latin means “Free and Ready Favour”
EUCHARISTEO - from the root word “CHARIS” whIch means “Grace”.
CHARA - means “joy”, the goal of fuller life.
These were the very words that the Ladies of the Cathedral of the King learned that 1st Saturday of July, as they gathered for their bi-monthly Ladies Fellowship Meeting.