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FATHER & SON CAMP - SEPT 30 - OCT 1, 2016

Finally, the long awaited Father & Son Men’s Ministry overnight bonding activity was pushed through. Escaping the busy & hustling life in the city, the weather is favorable to a two hour drive to Dcn. Pepito’s farm, located in the southeast of Metro Manila with an approximated -------- above sea level. Approaching to this place with the smell of the trees, the mud on the road, the purity of the blowing wind, the humming of the birds, and the clear sky, a nostalgic feeling emanates for those who spent their younger days in the province.  You could sense from the behavior of each of the father attendees that they are the one who is most excited from this activity.    At dinner we are treated with a sumptuous meal, “kalderetang baka”, courtesy of Dcn. Pepito.

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