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Prophecy of God as spoken through Bishop Ricardo Alcaraz


        “The Goal of Knowing His Authority”

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time -  May 29, 2016


The Lord sayeth:


“Never forget that I have already spoken My Word to you.  I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.  I have spoken that a long time ago.  It never loses power.  Don’t ever forget that My light is greater than your darkness.  Don’t ever forget that I am fully capable of delivering that which I have promised to you.  Straighten your shoulders and walk with a sense of thanksgiving.  Walk with a sense of praise towards Me for I rejoice in your praises. I have noticed your tears.  I have taken them. They have served as reminders to Me. One day, you will see that which I am preparing for you. 


For those who are saying that it might take a long time, have you forgotten that I have spoken that the nation would become a nation in one day?  You are living in a time of acceleration. Do not measure achievements and events by how you have experienced them in the past for I am releasing My angels, My hosts and they are delivering provisions and resources to you.


For those of you who would respond to My call, don’t wonder that I have been waking you up early in the morning.  I am asking you to spend time with Me. There is something that I would like to do through you. 

For those of you who would respond, you will find yourself walking in a deeper sense of anointing; you will walk in the spiritual gifts. Begin to desire them.  Be not afraid of that.  I have given them to bless you and the people around you.


I am your God and I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  

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