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Day 47: Spiritual Food in Quarantine

The mystery hidden for ages now revealed (Col 1:26)

Christ in us, the hope of glory. That is the mystery generations didn’t know and so they didn’t have the fullness of hope. Is it because it wasn’t true before? No. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. It wasn’t He who changed, it was we. Our eyes were opened. The two disciples going to Emmaus were needlessly brokenhearted the whole time they were walking with Jesus. They recognized Him only when their eyes were opened. How were they opened? Through the process of the liturgy of the word (Jesus explaining the scriptures) and the liturgy of the Eucharist (Jesus breaking bread). Two vital elements were at play: their hearts were on fire for the word and they desired for Him to stay. May our hearts yearn for His word and His fellowship. Then there’ll be no need to fret in times of trouble because He walks with us all the way.

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