January 10, 2025 Daily Dose of Discernment
This Jesus was saying to test Philip, for He Himself knew what He was intending to do. (John 6:6)
The Greek word for "test" here means to prove something in and through someone. Its Hebrew counterpart which is used to describe the reason for Joseph's afflictions (Psalm 105) also means to confirm, to validate or prove true, for the purpose of refining him. In the story, Jesus already had a plan for feeding the five thousand. But He asked Philip where to get provision to test him in the aforesaid sense.
A mentor, whether a teacher or a parent, asks their protege to do certain things with them, not because they need help, but for the training of their apprentice. A mother can cook better and faster without the help of her little daughter but engages her so she can learn and also have a sense of fulfillment. God is the same way. He invites us to participate in His work not because He is short of manpower but so that we can share the joy He derives from it. If we see it that way, we will understand that His commandments are indeed not burdensome but a delight to obey.