July 13, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
How can they call on Him in Whom they have never believed? How can they believe in Him of Whom they have never heard? And how can they hear unless someone proclaims Him? (Romans 10:14)
Immediately prior to this verse, Paul says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Then he asks these questions, the last if which is about proclaiming the gospel.
Every member of the body of Christ is called to be a preacher of the good news of God's love in Him. That doesn't necessarily mean speaking behind a podium at a worship service. It means proclaiming the way of life God intended from the beginning for us humans as seen in the way Jesus lived His human life. Because living that way is eternal life. And the good news is that Jesus in us gives us the ability to do it. And doing it is the louder, more effective way of making it known to people.