Monday, April 29: “The Profundity of Priesthood II”
Psalm 65: 1: “There will be silence before You, and praise in Zion, O God, and to You the vow will be performed.”
David gives us three stages of worship here, a progression of our level of priesthood, so to speak. First there is silence before Him, as it was for Aaron and his sons before the tent of meeting. In one’s individual silence before the Lord, God speaks, God calls. Our response to that personal word is an outflow of communal praise; all Zion exalts the Lord Who has blessed us by choosing us and bringing us into His courts of service (v. 4). Then follows the highest praise: the going forth to perform that ordination vow made in the silence. We, the royal priesthood and temples of the Holy Spirit, now bring the tabernacle to the people, the nations; God’s presence into their midst. This is the priesthood of us all.