October 8, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
And Jesus came up and touched the coffin. (Lk 7:14)
Jesus said He came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it; that is, bring to light the Spirit of the Law which is the restoration of the life God gave to man. Two similar Latin maxims express this: "Salus animarum est suprema lex" and "Salus populi est suprema lex." The salvation of souls is the supreme law, and the welfare of the people is the supreme law. The Sabbath, and the Law, were made for the sake of man, not otherwise.
That is why Jesus went against the letter of the Law when He touched the corpse of a widow's son near the city of Nain. The restoration of the life of the boy is a weightier matter of the law than ceremonial cleanness. Incidentally, Nain means "lovely" and "green pastures." That same city was afflicted with death. So Jesus came to restore life, freedom and joy where death had been. Let our Christianity be led by that Spirit.