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September 23, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernement

“Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Luke 3:8)

Repentance means a renewal of the mind, but in such a way that it brings about a change in the way we live. Asked by his disciples what to do in keeping with repentance, John mentioned practical things - if you have two tunics, share with one who has none; if you have food, do likewise; if you collect taxes, collect no more than what is due; if you are a soldier, don't extort money or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your pay. His preaching on repentance is very different from simply saying a sinner’s prayer and joining a church.

The reason God wants us to change and to obey Him is because He wants us restored to His likeness. He knows our egotistic ways lead to destruction and shows us the way to life. That life is obtained by following His commandment to act with justice, mercy and humility toward our neighbor.


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