September 4, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
But the word of the Lord continued to grow and to be multiplied. (Acts 12:24)
In the face of strong opposition from their Roman oppressors, their hostile Gentile neighbors, and their fellow Jews, the early church flourished. Meanwhile, as Jesus prophesied - the sun was being darkened, the moon was not giving its light, the stars were falling from the sky, and the powers that be were being shaken.
Therefore, instead of being fearful and discouraged when we see such things happening, we should remember the Lord's advance notice and lift up our heads because our salvation draws near. That is, deliverance from evil and all its destructive consequences because of the toppling of their source. And anticipate the reign of peace, joy, righteousness, justice, charity and abundant life under Christ the King. His appearing is our blessed hope.