Scriptures and Themes for Holy Week, Year B, 2024
March 24, 2024
At the Blessing of the Psalms: Mark 11: 1-11
First Proclamation: Isaiah 50: 4-9
Psalm: Psalm 31: 1-5; 19-24
Second Proclamation: Philippians 2: 5-11
Gospel: Mark 14: 32-15: 39
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged in Fulfillment of Scripture”
March 25, 2024
First Proclamation: Isaiah 42: 1-9
Psalm: Psalm 36: 5-10
Second Proclamation: Hebrews 9: 11-15
Gospel: John 12: 1-11
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged at the Feet of Jesus”
March 26, 2024
First Proclamation: Isaiah 49: 1-7
Psalm: Psalm 71: 1-12
Second Proclamation: 1 Corinthians 1: 18-24
Gospel: John 12: 44-50
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged through the Father’s Word”
Wednesday in Holy Week (Healing Service)
March 27, 2024
First Proclamation: Isaiah 52: 13-53: 6
Psalm: Psalm 30
Second Proclamation: 1 Peter 2: 20-24
Gospel: Matthew 11: 1-6
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged as Healing Flows”
March 28, 2024
First Proclamation: Exodus 12: 1-8; 11-14
Psalm: Psalm 116: 12-19
Second Proclamation: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
Gospel: John 13: 1-15
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged in Communion with Christ”
March 29, 2024
First Proclamation: Isaiah 53: 1-12
Psalm: Psalm 22
Second Proclamation: Hebrews 4: 14-16
Gospel: John 18: 1-19: 42
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged from the Foot of the Cross”
March 30, 2024
First Proclamation: Job 14: 1-14
Psalm: Psalm 31
Second Proclamation: 1 Peter 4: 1-8
Gospel: Matthew 27: 57-66
Theme: “Our Borders Enlarged as Hope Remains”
On Good Friday, if you are doing some form of the Seven Last Words, they serve as your Readings for that day. In that case, the readings here need not be read on Good Friday. Any Eucharist that day is from the pre-consecrated hosts.
Likewise, if you are doing the Saturday Vigil, the Scriptures there serve as your Readings for that Service. The readings here are for a Saturday morning Service.