March 26, 2017
The theme for this Sunday is “Love of the Works of God”. Can you feel how rich and full it is to just ponder upon that today? When we talk about the “Works of God,” it should fill us up with tremendous enthusiasm, because what the Lord does in our lives every day is that vibrant and perfect. So before you continue to read on, I ask you take a few minutes to immerse and bask yourself in His presence, and thank Him for the great and mighty works He has done.
Today’s Gospel is John 9:1-11. We see here the story of how a man born blind was healed by the Lord. There were two steps that were necessary for the healing of the blind man to occur. The first step was an action done by the Lord (Verse 6: He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes), while the next was an action done by the blind man (Verse 7: “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam”). Most of the time we are like the man who was born blind; maybe not physically blind like him, but blind to the love of God. We have a terminology called “Monday Blues”; not a music genre, but a situation we come into whenever we experience stress and fatigue. In our common tongue, we say “Lunes na lunes stress agad.” Whenever we go thru this situation, often times it echoes throughout the whole week and we tend to forget the great love of God. The Gospel today reminds us that in those situations, we must realize that the Lord is continuously working in our lives. He always is taking that first step, and He makes for us a way whenever we feel there is none. At the start I asked for you to ponder on what the Lord has done for you: His healing, His financial provisions, how He restored you. The reason for this is for us to realize that whatever the situation we are in right now, He is working in us, He never fails and His hands are always wide open. As in verse 3, what we go thru happens so that the works of God might be displayed in us. Now the next step is for us to act upon what the Lord has done for us. The Lord commands us to wash away our doubts and impurities and hold on to Him. As we enter a new week let us set aside our fears and the negative things around us and focus on Him, expecting Him to do mighty works in our lives! John Ritche Jandayan