Birthing home
Giving Birth God's Way
The Birthing Clinic of the Cathedral of the King is God's provision for its own birthing place as our child bearing women are encouraged and challenged to choose natural childbirth. This is the realization of the vision - to have a God-centered birthing place as declaration that giving birth is not medical but a family event that should be sacredly handled.
The mission of the Birthing Clinic is to help our pregnant women have the courage and determination to reject anaesthesia, analgesics, epidurals, episiotomy and possibly, even Caesarean Section. When women are adequately informed, prepared, and equipped for pregnancy and giving birth, they face this beautiful and powerful experience without fear.
Our Church firmly believes that when fear is eliminated in the hearts of pregnant mothers as we help them prepare spiritually, physically, mentally and nutritionally, they are able to give birth without external intervention. By the grace of our faithful God, these mothers, opting to give birth in our Birthing Clinic, gave birth spontaneously without pain and medication. They trusted to use their God-given instinctive ability to bring forth life with much joy and peace in their hearts. We call such experience as redemption in child birth.
We thank God for the faith of the mothers of the Cathedral of the King who bravely submitted themselves to the Birthing Program even in the midst of opposition. Their birth stories became the building blocks of this Ministry. Some may call it natural birth empowering our Ministry sees it as an experience of redemption of childbirth...in action!
As of this writing, we have a total of one hundred eighty-seven (187) deliveries in the Birthing Clinic, eleven of which had successful vaginal births after Caesarean Section (VBACS). We had quite a number cord coils and many incidents that has shown us convincing proofs that the Author, the Giver and the Sustainer of life is always with us. We humbly say that every delivery is our worship to God.
As the Birthing Clinic continuous to serve our own Cathedral of the King mothers, we have now extended our ministry to the less fortunate, mostly unwed mothers from our Ministry to the Blessed. This has furthermore richly blessed Program with wonderful easy, fast, and speedy recovery after birth one would never think to be.
To God and God alone be the glory, honor, and praises!
For more testimonials, please click Birthing Home for more stories.
If there are people who are neglected and most of the time rejected by society, these are the men and women who are suffering in prison. Many are in the threshold of their faith, hopelessly thinking that it is the end of their life.
In Luke 4: 18, it is written, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed."​
The Prison Ministry of the Cathedral of the King was tasked to minister to the inmates of the Correctional for Women, for the purpose of sharing the Word of God to bring them hope and to make them feel that they are loved.
visitation ministry
There are several instances in the Bible where God visited His chosen ones and took care of them (Ruth 6:1; Psalm 65: 9; Luke 7: 16; Luke 1: 68; Jeremiah 27:22; 1 Sam 2: 21). This is so because He loves His people. Whenever He visits His people, He reminds them that they are not forsaken nor forgotten.
Who needs visitation? Anyone needs to be encouraged, comforted, and remembered. They need to have a sense of belongingness. Everyone longs for these things, but there are countless individuals who need to be reminded that they are not forgotten - the lonely, the afflicted and the downtrodden. The elderly, the sick, the bereaved, and those who are in crisis need to find hope and comfort that they are not forsaken.
The Visitation Ministry was formed to honor the work of the Lord among His people, as written in Matthew 25: 36, "I was sick, and you visited Me." Ministers will be available whenever there is a request to visit a sick person (at home or confined in a hospital). These ministers will pray for them and bring God's healing and peace to the family. In time of bereavement, a community member is assisted with whatever help they need during the time of grief by providing food during the wake and being a comfort to the family.
If you have a heart just like the Lord's, the opportunity to be involved in this ministry is here! Join us and be a comfort to the least of our brethren.
Please get in touch with us by clicking CONTACT US.