Session II – Grace In The Moment
God is at the present: the I AM. Time is only of the essence; time is the essence of God; the I AM.
The real problem of life is not a lack of time; the real problem of life is a lack of thanksgiving.
Writing gifts is a time to celebrate; writing a thousand gifts will positively, profoundly, and powerfully change your life.
Habits can imprison you or can free you. There are five results of a habit of having a gratitude list: relative absence of stress and depression; make progress in personal goals; reports higher levels of determination and energy; feel closed in relationship and desire to grow in relationship; increase happiness by 25%.
Jesus said that when your eyes are good, your whole body is filled with light; when your eyes are bad, your whole body is filled with darkness.
New life comes out of a dark place. Emptiness can birth the fullness of grace because it is an opportunity to turn to God.
Darkness transfigures into light; Bad transfigures into good; Grief transfigures into grace; Empty transfigures into full.
Slow down to see each moment as a gift. Slow down to surrender. Slow down to savor and believe in the goodness of God.
A thousand fears may come upon us, but He lays a thousand gifts in our hands.
Slow down in gratitude; give thanks to God for His love endures forever. Forever is made up of moments and every moment is a gift all by His grace because everything is being transfigured to bring glory to God.
Personal Reflection:
Cite daily miracles that you might have missed because you led a fast-paced busy life.
How can you discover God as the “I AM” who is with you at all times and in all places?
What if the things that feel like trouble are gifts of grace?
Tell of a breakthrough of God’s presence into one of your dark moments. How did thankfulness eventually become part of this experience in your life?
Group Activity:
What tends to keep you from slowing down and how can your group members pray for you and encourage you in your effort to do so?
Read Psalm 46:10-11, Psalm 127:1-2, Genesis 2:1-3. If you have developed some skills or abilities to slow down and think deeply of the good things, share what you have learned with your group.
Our Prayer:
Thank God that He is patient with you, even when you rush around and hurry after things that don’t satisfy your soul.
Pray for eyes to see where you are rushing and how you can slow down.
Ask for strength to meet God and experience thankfulness even in the dark and painful times of uncertainty.
Invite the Holy Spirit to grow your ability to notice the good gifts around you and slow down to appreciate them.
Pray for strength to meet God in the hard times and be a person of eucharisteo even when it is a challenged.