Day 79: Spiritual Food in Quarantine
“Who can eat or enjoy life without God?” (Ecc 2:25)
Solomon has built houses for himself, planted vineyards, made gardens and lakes, owned male and female slaves, stored up silver and gold, amassed treasures of kings, fornicated with hundreds of women, given himself everything his eyes wanted and experienced every pleasure imaginable (Ecc 2:4-10). Yet he declares that none of them has any meaning, that it’s like chasing the wind. And then he asks, “who can eat or enjoy life without God?” May we heed these words from him who was searching for fulfillment and realized he was looking in the wrong places, maybe the same places many of us are looking in right now. We can save ourselves the trouble and heed the words of Christ who gave him wisdom as He offers us living water. Only He satisfies our desire.