Scriptures and Themes for Ordinary Time, Year A (June-August)
Trinity Sunday, the Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 4, 2023
First Proclamation: Genesis 1: 26-2: 4
Psalm: Psalm 8
Second Proclamation: 2 Corinthians 13: 5-14
Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20
Theme: “Cultivated in the Godhead”
The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Proper 5)
June 11, 2023
First Proclamation: Hosea 5: 15-6: 6
Psalm: Psalm 33: 13-22
Second Proclamation: Romans 4: 13-22
Gospel: Matthew 9: 9-13
Theme: “Cultivated in Compassion”
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Proper 6)
June 18, 2023
First Proclamation: Exodus 19: 1-9
Psalm: Psalm 50: 1-8; 16, 17, 23
Second Proclamation: Romans 5: 1-8
Gospel: Matthew 10: 1-8
Theme: “Cultivated in Evangelism”
CEC Foundation Day, the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25, 2023 (Proper 7)
First Proclamation: Jeremiah 20: 7-13 Psalm: Psalm 69: 10-19
Second Proclamation: Romans 6: 1-11
Gospel: Matthew 10: 24-33
Theme: “Cultivated in Discipleship”
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 2, 2023 (Proper 8)
First Proclamation: Jeremiah 28: 5-9; 15-17
Psalm: Psalm 89: 1-3; 19-21; 35-37
Second Proclamation: Romans 6: 16-23
Gospel: Matthew 10: 37-42
Theme: “Cultivated in Commitment”
The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 9, 2023 (Proper 9)
First Proclamation: Song of Solomon 2: 8-13
Psalm: Psalm 45: 7-17
Second Proclamation: Romans 7: 21-8: 1
Gospel: Matthew 11: 16-19; 25-30
Theme: “Cultivated in Humility”
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 16, 2023 (Proper 10)
First Proclamation: Isaiah 55: 6-13
Psalm: Psalm 65
Second Proclamation: Romans 8: 8-11
Gospel: Matthew 13: 1-9; 18-23
Theme: “Cultivated in Sowing”
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
July 23, 2023 (Proper 11)
First Proclamation: Isaiah 44: 1-8
Psalm: Psalm 139: 1-10
Second Proclamation: Romans 8: 12-18
Gospel: Matthew 13: 36-43
Theme: “Cultivated in Righteousness”
The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Celebration of the Church in the Philippines
being Received into the CEC
July 30, 2023 (Proper 12)
First Proclamation: 1 Kings 3: 5-12
Psalm: Psalm 119: 123-135
Second Proclamation: Romans 8: 26-30
Gospel: Matthew 13: 44-52
Theme: “Cultivated in the Kingdom”
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Proper 13)
August 6, 2023
First Proclamation: Isaiah 55: 1 – 5
Psalm: Isaiah 55: 1 – 5
Second Proclamation: Romans 9: 1 – 5
Gospel: Matthew 14: 13 – 21
Theme: “Cultivated in Multiplication”
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 13, 2023 (Proper 14)
First Proclamation: Jonah 2: 1-9
Psalm: Psalm 29
Second Proclamation: Romans 10: 6-11
Gospel: Matthew 14: 22-33
Theme: “Cultivated in Faith”
The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 20, 2023 (Proper 15)
First Proclamation: Isaiah 56: 1-7
Psalm: Psalm 67
Second Proclamation: Romans 11: 25-32
Gospel: Matthew 15: 21-28
Theme: “Cultivated in Mercy”
The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 27, 2023 (Proper 16)
First Proclamation: Isaiah 51: 1-6
Psalm: Psalm 138
Second Proclamation: Romans 12: 1-8
Gospel: Matthew 16: 13-20
Theme: “Cultivated in Revelation”